World Trinity America Theological University
2526 S HILL St. LOSANGELES, CA 90007
World Gospel General Meeting Seminary, 1262-17 Gileum 3-dong, Seongbuk-ku, Seoul, Korea
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Student seeking admission in the Doctor of Theology(Th.D) program must have a Master of Divinity(M.Div) degree or its equivalent, have satisfactory qualifications in Hebrew and Greek(six credit of each or the student may pass the Hebrew and Greek proficiency test), and reading knowledge of a foreign language.

All qualified applicants must be approved by the administration before commencement of study a Master of Theology (Th.M) degree will be considered as the academic equivalent of the M.Div. degree under certain circumstances. Please contact the Dean of students for more information. A total of 50 hours are required for the Th.D. degree. The following program of study should be followed in order to complete the class work requirements for the Th.D degree.

OT822Textual Criticism of the Old Testament 3
OT832Bible Geography 3
OT836Biblical Chronology 2
NT811Textual Criticism of the New Testament 3
NT831The Life of Christ 3
NT835Parables 3
ST741Dispensationalism 3
ST752The Doctrine of Sanctification 3
CH734Revivalism 2
CH741Pietism 2
WM811Theology of Missions2
PT742Church Management 2
PT812Pastoral Counseling 2
PT821Advanced Homiletics 2
CE714Teaching Techniques 2
CE721Methods and Materials for Sunday School 2
TH011Dissertation 6